A film about alternate realities and redemption. A nonlinear, part psychedelic high concept film, part Rockumentary. Filmed over 18 years between 1996-2014 and Set to a soundtrack by UK Crisis, 2 parallel road trips on route 66 USA, an 1850’s gold mining town in Australia, flashbacks to the UK. With British humor and satire, Ending with a serious and emotive message about manic depression. ‘Spirit Level’ shows the way we were pre and post 911. The end of the analog age and the beginning of the digital. The decay of humanity and its last-ditch attempt to escape to the stars.

Written, Produced & Directed by Neville Meredith

Cinematography by Neville Meredith & Russell Grooms

Music by UK Crisis

Filmed between 1996-2014 in the USA, UK, AUSTRALIA & EUROPE

Space footage by SPACE X and NASA

Record Label: Romantown Label www.romantown.com

Music distributor: CD Baby ©2021 Romantown Films

UK Crisis – Future Dark Ages

Spotify song samples

Future Dark Ages sees producer Neville Meredith reunited with former UK Crisis member Russ Grooms (Adversity, Spirit Level, Small Town Prisoner) for what is arguably their most ambitious project yet. Seamlessly fusing every twist and turn that both producers have showcased together and in solo work, Future Dark Ages once again confirms a refusal to be compromised by creative restraints or limits… In this way, the band moves cyclically through cinematic soundscapes, hard-hitting synth-driven trance, and classic prog-rock.

The result is a masterpiece of songwriting, instrumental showmanship, and lyrics that are telling both of present times and poignant echoes of history. If their point is that nothing changes and the end is the beginning then Future Dark Ages is a fusing of everything that UK Crisis has achieved over the last 20 years, coming full circle with 45 minutes worth of music that is finely crafted to the finest detail.

Fiercely independent and non-negotiating UK Crisis shows that in 2021 there are no genres, and no boundaries left in modern music. With maturity and confidence that only comes after 1000’s of studio hours bent over faders, Future Dark Ages proves that the prog-rock concept album is no longer an art-form reserved for fading generations but an evolving statement that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Have a look at the Future Dark Ages website futuredarkages.com